Hemopoietic progenitor cells of W anemic mice studies in vivo and in vitro.
Publication Year 1968-06,Volume 71,Issue #3,Page 211-26
Journal Title
Journal of cellular physiology
Publication Type
Journal Article
The proliferation and differentiation of hemopoietic cells from genetically anemic Wv/Wx,W/Wv, and Wv/Wv mice, and from nonanemic carrier W/+, Wb/+, and Wv/+ mice have been evaluated in vivo by transplantation techniques and in vitro by the agar gel culture method. Marrow from anemic and carrier mice contained progenitor cells which were decreased in number and formed small, often rudimentary, colonies in the spleens of irradiated recipient mice. Proliferation and differentiation of both erythropoietic and leukopoietic progenitor cells were delayed and reduced, but erythropoiesis was more severely affected than leukopoiesis. The severity of the hemopoietic impairment was gene-dose dependent. The W gene effect on leukopoietic progenitor cells was not secondary to anemia or to abnormal erythropoiesis.
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Last Modified: 2015-07-27 03:25:00
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