A CRISPR upgrade unlocks Toxoplasma gene function
Journal Title
Trends in Parasitology
Publication Type
epub ahead of print
Forward genetic screens are invaluable in describing gene function. CRISPR has reinvigorated phenotypic screens in Toxoplasma - a model apicomplexan parasite. Two recent papers by Smith et al. and Li et al. take the next big leap in performing forward genetic screens in Toxoplasma by combining conditional gene regulation with CRISPR.
Cell Press
Apicomplexa; Crispr; Toxoplasma; auxin-inducible degron; phenotypic screening; split Cas9
Research Division(s)
Infectious Diseases And Immune Defence; Advanced Technology And Biology
PubMed ID
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Refer to copyright notice on published article.

Creation Date: 2022-08-19 09:30:36
Last Modified: 2022-08-19 09:37:35
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