Candida auris uses metabolic strategies to escape and kill macrophages while avoiding robust activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome response
Publication Year 2023-05-30,Volume 42,Issue #5,Page 112522
Journal Title
Cell Reports
Metabolic adaptations regulate the response of macrophages to infection. The contributions of metabolism to macrophage interactions with the emerging fungal pathogen Candida auris are poorly understood. Here, we show that C. auris-infected macrophages undergo immunometabolic reprogramming and increase glycolysis but fail to activate a strong interleukin (IL)-1β cytokine response or curb C. auris growth. Further analysis shows that C. auris relies on its own metabolic capacity to escape from macrophages and proliferate in vivo. Furthermore, C. auris kills macrophages by triggering host metabolic stress through glucose starvation. However, despite causing macrophage cell death, C. auris does not trigger robust activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. Consequently, inflammasome-dependent responses remain low throughout infection. Collectively, our findings show that C. auris uses metabolic regulation to eliminate macrophages while remaining immunologically silent to ensure its own survival. Thus, our data suggest that host and pathogen metabolism could represent therapeutic targets for C. auris infections.
Cell Press
CP: Immunology; Candida auris; NLRP3 inflammasome; immunometabolism; innate immunity; macrophage
Research Division(s)
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Open Access at Publisher's Site
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Last Modified: 2023-06-15 02:12:12
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